The Harmony of Law and Gospel

Church and Family Life Podcast

Nov 27 2023 • 20 mins

In every generation, the relationship between the law and the gospel is fiercely debated, as if the two are at odds with one another. We’re under grace now, not law, some claim, while others pridefully parade their law-keeping, believing it merits their salvation. Neither position is correct.

In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm cut through the confusion and show how law and gospel work together for our good. The law, they explain, is a reflection of who God is in all His moral perfections, so to argue that it’s now abrogated is an affront to His eternal character. Because no man can perfectly keep the law, it therefore drives sinners to the Gospel, as Christ bore the curse of the law as the only perfect lawkeeper, making the way for salvation. Once redeemed, the Christian should strive to grow more in God’s likeness each day and joyfully exclaim, “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97).