Avoiding the Risks of Accidental Parenting

Proactive Parenting with Deanna Marie Mason PhD

Sep 24 2020 • 20 mins

This episode is focused on how accidental parenting occurs and what parents can do to avoid the risks of engaging in accidental parenting. Simply put, accidental parenting happens when we use a parenting technique or approach that does not sufficiently take into account the development of our child. Because of this, the anticipated results aren't achieved and we find that we have actually created a bigger or more complex problem than the one that we were trying solve.

This episode is based on a real-life example taken from my practice. By working through the parent motivations, the approach, the style, and the outcomes, it is easy to see how accidental parenting can happen even when we approach our children with love and desire to parent them well. While it's easy to fall into accidental parenting, there are ways to avoid making this mistake. Understanding the developmental age of our children is the key to selecting appropriate parenting techniques and knowing how to flex or customise them to reflect the unique characteristics and personalities of our children and support our family's values.

In addition to learning about what accidental parent is and why it happens, three clear and easy suggestions are given to help parents avoid the risks of accidental parenting in their families.

Just to let you know, for the duration of the Proactive Parenting podcast launch, I will be releasing two episodes a week instead of my normal weekly release schedule. I hope you enjoy the extra episodes.

Proactive Parenting is based on validated theories and scientific research to provide the information you need to care for your modern family. Not everyone grew up in a completely healthy family of origin and consequently may be unsure of how to be a parent when they start a family. Proactive Parenting was created for parents who need a solid foundation to start raising their children, and for parents who want to do better. It is a way to move past old behaviours, break unhealthy habits, and replace them with parenting actions that will lead to a healthy family life for both children and parents.

If you want to learn more about Proactive Parenting, please visit my webpage and social media sites:

Website: www.proactiveparenting.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deannamariemason

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.deannamariemason/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeannaM_Mason