Aggressive and Hurtful Behaviours in Small Children

Proactive Parenting with Deanna Marie Mason PhD

Sep 29 2020 • 18 mins

This episode is focused on the importance of dealing with aggressive behaviours in early childhood. Most parents think that small children will eventually outgrow aggressive behaviours but the research is clear - children to not naturally outgrow hurtful behaviours without assistance from adults. Children need to be guided on how to move from hurtful behaviours to caring behaviours.

There is a lot attention on bullying in school age and adolescent children without looking at why this behaviour is happening. To remedy this situation, we need to address the root of the problem - helping small children unlearn hurtful behaviours so they don't grow into more aggressive older children.

Five easy to understand steps are presented to help parents address hurtful behaviours in small children. Clear examples are provided to assist parents in putting this information to use right away. Additionally, specific behaviours that are warning signs that a child may need professional help are also discussed.

The trend of aggression and bullying can only be changed if we decide to address the issue at its source. Identifying and dealing with aggression in small children is a wonderful way to change what is happening in current society and make the world a kinder place.

New episodes are published each Tuesday so stay tuned for more science-based Proactive Parenting information.

Proactive Parenting is based on validated theories and scientific research to provide the information you need to care for your modern family. Not everyone grew up in a completely healthy family of origin and consequently may be unsure of how to be a parent when they start a family. Proactive Parenting was created for parents who need a solid foundation to start raising their children, and for parents who want to do better. It is a way to move past old behaviours, break unhealthy habits, and replace them with parenting actions that will lead to a healthy family life for both children and parents.

If you want to learn more about Proactive Parenting, please visit my webpage and social media sites:





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Published: Sep. 25, 2020 @12AM Edit


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