Overindulgence Takes Away Joy

Proactive Parenting with Deanna Marie Mason PhD

Sep 7 2020 • 32 mins

This episode is focused on how overindulgence can rob our children's happiness. Watching our kiddos' faces light up with joy when they receive a gift, go for ice cream, get showered with attention or are allowed a privilege can lead us to repeat these activities frequently. However, the more our children receive, the more they view these extras as "normal." This sets them up to want even more and can take away their enjoyment of what they have.

Learning about how overindulgence shows up in families as well as how our children become accustomed to having too much can help begin the process of moving towards having enough, but not too much.

Just to let you know, for the duration of the Proactive Parenting podcast launch, I will be releasing two episodes a week instead of my normal weekly release schedule. I hope you enjoy the extra episodes.

Proactive Parenting is based on validated theories and scientific research to provide the information you need to care for your modern family. Not everyone grew up in a completely healthy family of origin and consequently may be unsure of how to be a parent when they start a family. Proactive Parenting was created for parents who need a solid foundation to start raising their children, and for parents who want to do better. It is a way to move past old behaviours, break unhealthy habits, and replace them with parenting actions that will lead to a healthy family life for both children and parents.

If you want to learn more about Proactive Parenting, please visit my webpage and social media sites:

Website: www.proactiveparenting.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deannamariemason

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.deannamariemason/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeannaM_Mason