Progkast - 36


May 31 2019 • 1 hr 26 mins

1) Crea - March of the Penguins (Dwarves and Penguins - 2019) - Sweden - .26 -------------------------------- 2) Moon Letters - Those Dark Eyes (Until They Feel the Sun - to be released June 8, 2019) - Seattle, Washington, US - 5.19 3) KOSM - Fiefdom (Cosmonaut - 2018) - 10.48 4) VAK - Au Fond de Creuses (Budo - 2018) - France - 12.51 ------------------------------- 5) Dee Zee - 1)For Those Who Were Seen Dancing 2)And Thought to be Insane 3) Those Who Couldn't Hear the Music - 2018 - UK - 24.33 ------------------------------ 6) Sparkling Water - Something About Time - 2018 - UK - 37.46 7) Grus Paridae - Melting Pot - 2019 - 42.04 8) El Tubo Elastáco - Ingrávido - 2018- Spain - 48.45 ------------------------------- 9)Tom Kelly - Travels (Part I-III) (A Quail's House - 2017) - 59.14 10) La Camara de Transformación - La Mueca (La Camara de Transformación - 2018) - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1.06.40 11) Esthesis - Raising Hands (Parts I&II)(Raising Hands - 2019) - 1.10.33 -------------------------------- 12) Jean Silentio - Grolle Nicht (Dante's Answer - 2019) - 1.23.36 ------------------------------------ Intro music is from Belleza Anatomía from Sumeritae All music played on Progkast is by direct permission of artist. Thanks to all the artists who have allowed their music to be played on Progkast :D