EP 175 // Getting Creative with Your Simple Meals to Save Money on Groceries as the Grocery Prices Rise

Claiming Simplicity | Natural Living, Simplify Life, Cooking from Scratch, Homestead, Gardening

Apr 29 2024 • 7 mins

Hey Friend!

I still can’t believe how much prices have increased at the grocery store and I am extremely thankful we grow and raise as much food as possible, so we don’t have to spend much at the store, but there are always items you can’t grow in your location, so we do rely on the store a little and azure standard for our bulk items.  I might notice it more as I don’t have to buy items very often and am still not used to it!  If you are tight on money, start cleaning out your cupboards.  No matter what, it is just a good practice to do so you don’t let any food go to waste.  If you are like me, we do end up having a few random items expire and I don’t like to waste anything, so make sure to look at dates.  This would be your freezer foods and canned foods.

As we were looking at the amount of hamburger and venison burger we had in the freezer, we realized that we wanted to save that because we are running low and we have 2 freezers full of pork now, so we have been trying different recipes that we typically use hamburger  or venison for and replacing that with pork.  Since we are now raising our own pork along with our chicken, we have an abundance.  I just put a roast with potatoes, carrots and bone broth I took out from the freezer into the crockpot.  This is such a simple meal as it sits on low all day and falls apart and tender

when it is ready to eat in the evening.

We are really trying to use as much as we can from our canned goods and freezers to use them up before the new gardening season starts to produce, so when you plan your meals every week, you want to look at what you have on hand and what you can make with those items and then your grocery list is usually quite short.

I took ground pork and added some ketchup, mustard and brown sugar for sloppy joes and my husband enjoyed that as much as beef, so that was good.  I made up about 8 pounds and then froze several portions, so he always has a variety each week for his work lunches with different meals.

We also made taco meat with the ground pork along with tacos bowls.  This is such a great way to have something in the fridge at all times for a quick meal.  I just keep bowls of rice, corn, black beans that I soaked, and then add cheese, salsa, sour cream or any other items you like on your taco bowls.  If you don’t want to have bowls, this can easily be made into burritos as well.  This is one of my favorite meals actually-chipotle at home!

When you are using items you already have at home, you will save alot of money. Don’t let your food go to waste and just buy what you need.  As always, remember to keep it simple!  You can make several nourishing and nutrient dense meals in a short amount of time.

Have a blessed week friend


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