Overcoming Loneliness: Finding Strength in Faith and Self care

Alone No More

Jan 9 2024 • 13 mins

In this episode, I want to show you how having faith and taking care of yourself can be like superhero powers when it comes to feeling lonely.

The journey to overcome loneliness is not just about making friends; it is about understanding how feeling alone affects our minds

I help single Christian women build a relationship with God to navigate feelings of loneliness, find comfort in God's promises, and deepen their relationship with Him.

#1 Problem:  Feeling alone (loneliness)

Coach Julie: Founder & CEO Location: Arizona, USA Phone: 602-529-2957 Website:  Email: juliescoaching@hotmail.com Podcast: juliescoachingb.podbean.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliescoachingandpodcast