Timeouts are such a common practice when parents are trying to get their kids to listen; I would even venture to guess it's a recommendation from professionals and something regularly talked about as a helpful behavior strategy on the internet.

But, did you know that sending your child off to a timeout is creating more disconnection. When there is disconnection, your child's "thinking" brain is inaccessible. This creates MORE of the unwanted behavior.

Instead, get CONNECTED! Connection = better behavior.

Tune in today as I share your child's perspective on timeouts and 2 strategies you can utilize instead that creates connection.

Chaos to Calm mini course: https://dawn-term-318.myflodesk.com

Stay Listening episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chaos-to-connected-helping-parents-navigate-challenging/id1609008872?i=1000554474011

Are you really okay with crying episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chaos-to-connected-helping-parents-navigate-challenging/id1609008872?i=1000565110255

Want to schedule an info call and see if 1:1 coaching is right for you?? https://calendly.com/kjzeiher/behavior-call

Connect with me here: https://www.instagram.com/kailijozeiher/ or if you'd prefer email at kjzeiher@gmail.com.

