One of the biggest challenges I continue to hear over and over from moms is that the behavior can be a struggle, yes, but overall it's figuring out how to stay calm through that behavior that poses the biggest obstacle.

Today, I wanted to share some insights with you! If you are aware of what your triggers are but haven't yet processed them, or even know how to do that, I am walking you through the 4 things I have done (and still occasionally do) to help me come with more love, empathy, and understanding to those challenging and button pushing behaviors.

I was reading a book recently and the author talked about ruts and trenches. The ruts being our automatic responses; your reaction to your child (one you likely feel guilty or upset about later but can't seem to change). The trenches being your conscious choice to do something different. A rut is something you get stuck in but a trench is something you dig. Let's start digging those trenches!!

And if you want some help and encouragement along the way, join my monthly membership The Motherhood CONNECTION:

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