Ep 4: The impact of Emotional Health interview with Seth Dahl

Reflections of The Father’s Heart

May 1 2024 • 1 hr 1 min

In this conversation, Seth Dahl owner of Spirit Led Families, Grief Recovery Method Specialist@ and owner of Jesus on Every Screen shares his personal testimony and discusses the importance of emotional health in parenting. He emphasizes the impact of parental influence on a child's perception of God and the need for parents to model a healthy emotional response. Seth also highlights the significance of processing emotions and the role it plays in experiencing God's love and power. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of cultivating emotional health in families to create a strong foundation for children's spiritual development. In this conversation, Seth Dahl and Sandi Derby discuss the importance of engaging the heart in our relationship with God and the impact of grief on emotional connection. They emphasize that going to church should be an expression of love for God, not just a performance. They also highlight the emotive nature of God and the importance of processing emotions. Finally, they provide advice for parents or those considering parenthood, encouraging them to seek emotional healing and engage in grief recovery.

To purchase Sandi's book: www.livingbornagain.com

To connect with Seth Dahl: www.sethdahl.com

Want to go deeper? Join both Sandi and Seth (and others!) for the Global Online Summit 6/4 - 6/7!
