Financial Freedom 101

Wolfpack Consulting Pte Ltd

This series is all about giving you the keys to becoming financially free. Whether you are interested in becoming financially literate, understanding how to start your own business, or interesting in the Property Investing, this podcast has what you need. We have successfully started three businesses and want to share our knowledge with others. There is a saying that the strength of the Wolf is the Pack and this is definitely true in business. To truly be successful, you need to build a team you can trust and leverage the strength of each member of that team. So come, join the Wolfpack team and learn how you to can become financially free. Keep up with all the latest updates by joining our Facebook Groups: Or visiting our Website at: read less


A New Year, A New You
Feb 29 2024
A New Year, A New You
Have you ever made a New Years resolution or set a goal only to quite a month later?  We all have been there; but every New Year, spring cleaning or every birthday celebrated, we make new resolutions and set new goals; all while telling ourselves this year will be different.  Well, what if this year, this time, it is different? Most people who set New Years resolutions or establish new goals fail to keep them and its not due to lack of trying.  In reality, most people fail to keep their resolution for two simple reasons; 1) they do not write it down and 2) they try to accomplish it on their own.  Regardless of what your resolution / goal is, having a support team to keep you motivated, to keep you accountable, and potential join your on your journey can make a world of difference.   Have you tried to set goals but just cannot seem to be able to achieve them?  Have you been looking to make a change but do not know where to begin? If so, visit our website ( and drop us a message; we know what you are going through.  We have walked in your shoes and know the how difficult the journey can be if you are going at it alone; which is why we want to be a part of your team.  Remember, the strength of the Wolf is the pack. If you're interested in connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, network marketers, or if you're simply seeking networking opportunities and wish to learn more about achieving financial freedom in a relaxed environment, we invite you to visit and join our Facebook groups at
Episode 31: Time - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Dec 11 2023
Episode 31: Time - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself, where as the time gone, it seems like only yesterday that I said I was going to do something and here it is many months, or maybe even years later and you still haven't done it. If this has happened to you, your not alone. Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, young or old, the one thing we all have in common is the fact that we only have 24 hours in a day. What separates us, however, is what we do with that time. Do you feel like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish the things you want to accomplish? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to get done and just don't know where to begin? If so, this podcast is perfect for you. This episode is full of tips and tricks to regain your day and uncover hours that you never knew you had. If you are serious about becoming financial free, you need to dedicate time to work towards your goals. Its time to stop wasting and losing precious hours and take control of your time. Do you need help analyzing how you spend your time and figure out how to regain those lost hours? Have you listen to the podcast and tried the techniques spoken about but still just cannot seem to locate extra hours in your day? If so, visit our website ( and drop us a message; we know what you are going through. We have done this drill several times and understand how hard it can be with work, family, and all the other obligations you may have to find a spare moment in the day; but it can be done. As the saying goes, no pain, no gain. It may be painful now; but it will pay off dividends in the future. If you're interested in connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, network marketers, or if you're simply seeking networking opportunities and wish to learn more about achieving financial freedom in a relaxed environment, we invite you to visit and join our Facebook groups at
Episode 30 - The Rise of AI
Nov 18 2023
Episode 30 - The Rise of AI
No matter where you look, technology is all around us and regardless of how hard you may try, there is no escaping it. There are some that embrace technology and have to have to latest and greatest technological gadget; however, there are others refrain from buying anything until it becomes mainstream. While this may be ok in our personal lives, for businesses, this could cause you to loose a strategic advantage over your competitors. Over the last couple of decades, there have been extraordinary strides in the field of artificial intelligence. AI is no longer just for large tech companies but is something that any entrepreneur can use to increase their business. Whether it is using chatbots to engage with customers or ChatGPT to come up with business ideas, AI is an incredible tool and is the main theme of this episode. AI isn't something to be feared but embraced in order to elevate your business to the next level. Are you struggling to understand financial literacy concepts or just looking to find new income streams to help you achieve your goal of financial freedom? Are you new to the idea of AI and unsure how you might be able to use it to grow your business? If so, this episode is perfect for you. We at Wolfpack know how difficult it is change and how daunting new technology can be; but we are here to help you. If you have questions on how AI get help your achieve your goals or enhance your business, visit our website ( and drop us a line. We would love to help understand your needs and help you find the right application that will enhance your efforts of becoming financially free. If you're interested in connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, network marketers, or if you're simply seeking networking opportunities and wish to learn more about achieving financial freedom in a relaxed environment, we invite you to visit and join our Facebook groups at
Episode 29 - Unlocking Potential: The True Value of Education
Oct 22 2023
Episode 29 - Unlocking Potential: The True Value of Education
In today's highly technological and connected world, you can find almost anything you want with just a few quick key strokes on a computer. Whether you are looking at saving money by doing basic home repairs yourself, or are interested in making money through property investing, you can find a plethora of training videos on YouTube or through a quick review of Google; all for free. However, while the training may be free and plentiful, there is always a cost associated with anything you do. Many people say paying for training in todays society is a waste of money because of all the free training that is available online. While some of the training is great, there is a lot that is garbage. How many videos do you have to sit through before you find the one that gives you the information you need? How many of those videos go into details of complicated topics? How many of those videos allow you to ask questions on topics that you just do not understand and need more info on? While online training is great and can definitely help you, there is something about sitting in a classroom, attending a webinar, or simply interacting with others that greatly enhances the value of training received. More importantly, how many of you are putting into action what you are learning; regardless of where you learn it from? Are you starting out on your financial freedom journey and looking at all of the different types of training available to you? Do you need help understanding the options and figuring out what options are best for you? If so, this episode is perfect for you. We here at Wolfpack, know the struggles of finding the right training. If you have questions on what type of training may work best for you, visit our website ( and drop us a line. We would love to help understand your needs and help you find the right training that will catapult you down the road to financial freedom. If you're interested in connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, network marketers, or if you're simply seeking networking opportunities and wish to learn more about achieving financial freedom in a relaxed environment, we invite you to visit and join our Facebook groups at
Episode 28 - Recognizing Opportunities
Oct 1 2023
Episode 28 - Recognizing Opportunities
Many individuals often hesitate to embark on their journey towards financial freedom due to perceived limitations in opportunities. Perhaps you find yourself believing that you lack talent, time, the right location, or, perhaps the most significant barrier, money. Regardless of your current circumstances or the excuses you may harbor, it's crucial to recognize that the potential avenues to make money and move closer to your dreams of financial freedom are virtually limitless. In reality, the only barrier that exists is your own mindset. While it may sound like a cliché, your imagination is the only limit when it comes to identifying and seizing these opportunities. From a young age, we are taught conventional methods of earning income; get a job or selling unused items. However, through a simple shifting of your mindset, you can expand upon these conventional methods, uncover hidden opportunities, and overcome any excuses you might be holding onto; allowing you to get started with minimal or even no initial upfront investment, limited time commitments, and the possibility of acquiring income-generating assets with others covering the costs. This episode is all about expanding your mindset to recognize those opportunities that the vast majority of the population overlook. I personally know individuals who have acquired airplanes with no money out of pocket and others who have embarked on a three-month vacation through Central America, essentially, for free. If you're eager to discover how they achieved these feats, don't delay—press play and start listening now. Are you struggling to identify these concealed opportunities? Are you ready to alter your mindset and begin perceiving things differently? If so, you've come to the right place, and tuning in to this episode is an excellent beginning. If you have questions or need support along the way, we encourage you to leave a comment on this episode or visit our website ( and drop us a message. We are here to assist and want to be a part of your journey toward financial freedom. If you're interested in connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, network marketers, or if you're simply seeking networking opportunities and wish to learn more about achieving financial freedom in a relaxed environment, we invite you to visit and join our Facebook groups at
Episode 27 - Overcoming Obstacles
Sep 13 2023
Episode 27 - Overcoming Obstacles
The pathway to Financial Freedom is not easy, in fact, its one that is filled with road blocks and obstacles. While many may start down the pathway, most quickly find some excuse to abandon their journey; after all, if it was easy, everybody would be financially free. In Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken" he talks about two roads diverging in the woods, one well worn and traveled while the other is overgrown and baren of any sign human activity. While there was more than enough justification to take the well worn path, he takes the one less travel and highlights how staying on that path has made all the difference. Just like in the Poem, the pathway to financial freedom is the road less travel, but unlike Frost, you don't have to travel it alone. Although the pathway will be filled with unique obstacles and roadblocks, there are others that have traveled that path before that have experienced similar situations. This episode is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and taking the road less traveled. Its about the need to surround yourself with like minded individuals that will help guide you and keep you moving forward; no matter what obstacles made be on that road. Are you at the cross roads and deciding which path to take? Have you started down the path less traveled and looking for others that have traveled that path? When times get tough, we all need help and a team in our corner to encourage us to press on. If you are looking for help in conquering the obstacles that lay before you, we are here to help. If you have questions and need support, we invite you to comment on this episode or visit our website ( and leave us a note. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at
Episode 26 - Moving Mountains
Aug 18 2023
Episode 26 - Moving Mountains
Depending on where you are starting from, the idea of becoming financially free can seem like a monumental task and one that is almost unattainable. Do you have mounting credit card debt, have you declared bankruptcy, or are you living paycheck to paycheck? No matter where you are starting from, financial freedom is something anybody can obtain; it just takes a willingness to change and the commitment to take action. The best news of all, it doesn't take a grand gesture or dramatic changes to start. In fact, small steps can lead to big changes. There is an old Confucius says " The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." In todays podcast, we are speaking about how little, seemingly insignificant changes can have a big effect to the overall results of your efforts. Getting started on your journey towards financial freedom can begin with small steps that does not cost you anything; but can have life changing effects. Are you feeling overwhelmed and have no idea how to get started on your financial freedom journey? Are you starting from a point in which Financial Freedom appears to be a pipedream and want to know what steps you can take to help create some breathing room? We are here to help. We can help you get started on your journey with several simple, small, easy to do tasks that are key for anybody wanting to become financially free. If you have questions and need support, we invite you to comment on this episode or visit our website ( and leave us a note, we are here to help. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at
Episode 24 - Finding Investors for Your Projects
Oct 25 2022
Episode 24 - Finding Investors for Your Projects
If you are interested in property investing or even starting your own business, one of the biggest obstacles that you have to overcome is finding the money to kick start your journey. Most of us do not have the $40,000, $50,000 or more just laying around to help us get started, and even if you do, that amount probably wont get you as far as you think it will. To really accelerate your journey and get your business off the ground, you will need to find investors willing to put their trust in you and invest in your journey. If you are just starting out, this can seem like a daunting task as you probably have little to no experience. But hope is not lost as there are a lot of things you can do to increase your chances of finding and securing investors. This episode is all about helping new International Property Investors find funding for their projects. Whether you are just starting or have a few investments already, the trick to finding investors is all about confidence and knowing what the investors are looking for. By leveraging the tasks you are already performing, as well as the experience and knowledge of your power team, you can confidently and satisfactorily address almost any concerns that potential Angel Investors have. Are you just starting out on your journey and need help on figuring out where to start? Do you have potential investors in mind but don't know how to approach them? We are hear to help. We have been in your shoes and understand what investors want to know. If you have questions and need support, we invite you to comment on this episode or visit our website ( and leave us a note, we are here to help. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at
Episode 23 - Financial Freedom the Ultimate Goal
Sep 11 2022
Episode 23 - Financial Freedom the Ultimate Goal
This episode is all about Financial Freedom, what it is and what it takes to become Financially Free. While many will claim to have found a way to get rich quick and are willing to sell it to you for the low, low price of $19.95, becoming financially free take time, effort and commitment. There will be struggles, there will be roadblocks and obstacles in your way, but the good things in life rarely come easy. Becoming financially free is a marathon that must be taken one step at a time; but it can and will come if you are willing to work for it. In this episode, we address the challenges, and the work that must be done to obtain the ultimate goal of becoming financially free. Where are you on your journey? What obstacles and roadblocks have you encountered on your road to financial freedom? While this episode will talk about some of the issues we have encountered and the effort we have to give to setup and get our businesses off the ground, we want to hear from our listeners as well. There no reason you should be making the journey alone; after all, the strength of the wolf is the pack. If you are starting your journey or have been on the journey for some time, we would love to hear about. We invite you to comment on this episode or visit our website ( and leave us a note, we are here to help. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at
Episode 22 - Updated UK Property Regulations
Jul 20 2022
Episode 22 - Updated UK Property Regulations
If you have been following the UK Property Market, you would have heard about a number of upcoming changes to the property regulations; most notably changes to the EPC and Section 21 regulations. Of all the proposed changes that have been discussed over the past two years or so, these two changes have probably caused the most panic within the Property Investor Community. The proposed change to the EPC regulations could have a direct impact on the landlords ability to rent out their property while the abolishment of Section 21 could limit the landlords ability to evict trouble tenants and gain possession of their properties. Many people see these changes as troubling and potentially disastrous to the rental industry. Many landlords are so worried about these changes that they are already starting to sell of their portfolios in preparation of the implementation of these changes. We at Wolfpack, however, think these changes will actually bring about a lot of great opportunities for investors as we see these potential changes as being nothing more than speed bumps on our path to financial freedom. In fact, we have already taken advantage of these opportunities having recently completed on one property and in the middle of purchasing another. Why are we not overly concerned with these changes? Well that is the topic of this episode. Have you heard about these changes? What are your thoughts on them? Do you think they spell doom and gloom or are you looking at the silver lining? While this episode will discus why these changes are not all that bad, we want to hear your thoughts on them. If you are worried about the changes and need help seeing the opportunities that could be and are being presented, comment on this episode or visit our website ( and leave us a note, we are here to help. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at or
Episode 21 - COVID Business Review
Jun 19 2022
Episode 21 - COVID Business Review
If you owned or even started a business over the last two years, COVID would have had a dramatic effect on how you did business. The way you dealt with the COVID Pandemic restrictions was a key factor in whether or not your business was successful or was even able to survive. We have seen businesses that have been ran for generations, shut their doors, while at the same time, those same doors opened to a number of new opportunities. Regardless of how the pandemic effected you, it taught us all a number of valuable lessons. Now that the pandemic is slowing coming to an end, we need to make sure that we review the lessons learned and begin to implement these changes in our businesses going forward. No matter how successful a business venture might be, there is always something that could have been done better, there are always lessons learned. As a business owner, conducting periodic business reviews is key to staying relevant, operating efficiently, and overall, being successful as these reviews help you to determine the lessons learned. Have you tried doing a business review but need help or guidance? Do you not know where to start, or do you simply need support? if so, visit our website ( and drop us a note. We would be more than happy to let you know how Wolfpack Consulting can help you. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at or
Episode 20 - Misconceptions of Property Investing
May 3 2022
Episode 20 - Misconceptions of Property Investing
Understanding how to make your money work for you is a key aspect of becoming financially free. While this can be accomplished through investing in stocks, many people prefer investing in property because of the numerous benefits that comes with it. Unfortunately, however, there are a lot of misconceptions held by those individuals that are just starting out. These misconceptions cannot only cost a beginner time but also a lot of money. In this episode, we take a look at four of the most common misconceptions beginners and even some seasoned investors fall prey to. The more you understand, the more misconceptions you can dispel and ultimately increase your chances of success. Are you interested in understanding more about Property Investing and avoiding the common misconceptions? Do you want to learn how to get started investing in the UK property market or develop skills to help you become financially free? If so, visit our website ( and download our free property investment ebook for some great information. If you would prefer a more one on one approach, send us a message. We are more than happy to arrange a meeting to better find out your needs. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at or
Episode 19 - What is Your Training ROI
Apr 17 2022
Episode 19 - What is Your Training ROI
As investors or somebody who has a goal of one day becoming financially free, everything we do is evaluated and everything is assigned a ROI (Return on Investment). However, most people only think of ROI as pertaining to financial investments; but really it can be calculated for anything that you do. One thing that most people hardly ever associate with having an ROI is education and training; but are you not investing your time, energy and other resources to obtain that education or training? If you are interested in becoming financially free and you have investments that are returning a zero or even negative ROI, you would sell those investments and cut your loses. While training is great, if you fail to implement your training, you are essentially wasting resources and obtaining a negative ROI on your investment. Everything you do requires some sort of resource to be expended; even so called "free" training. While others may tell you that paid courses are not worth your money as there are many free training platforms our there, you need to consider what resources will be expended and what your ROI for those "Free" courses will be. Just because it is free does not mean you will have a positive ROI. With so much information at our disposal, there is a lot of noise, a lot of irrelevant information out there that must be sifted through in order to find what is useful to you; assuming you know what to look for. Even then, is it giving you enough information for what you need? You could possibly spend 3, 4, 5 times as long (or longer) sifting through the free information as it would take you had you of gone for paid training. What is your time worth? Is it worth less than what the paid training would have been? Are you interested in understanding more about calculating the ROI for your training? Do you want to learn how to get started investing in the UK property market or develop skills to help you become financially free? If so, then you are not alone. Visit our website at and drop us a message. We are more than happy to arrange a meeting to better find out your needs. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at or
Episode 18 - Interview with International Property Investor
Mar 26 2022
Episode 18 - Interview with International Property Investor
In this episode, we are excited to introduce you to our good friend and fellow international property investor, Jocelyn. Jocelyn has been investing in UK property for the last 3 years and talks about her investment journey. She discusses what led her to decide to find financial freedom through property, the importance of training, the power of networking, and the need to develop a strong / reliable power team. Because of her training and her network, she has been able to overcome the fears and concerns associated with international property investing and has built a portfolio of three properties with plans for more. While there are a lot of concerns and fears associated with investing in property you have not seen and through individuals you have never meet, the proper training can help build your confidence and give you the tools needed to overcome these seemingly impossible obstacles. The first step is the hardest but we are hear to help. I you have thought about property investing as your pathway to financial freedom but do not know where or how to start, visit our website ( and drop us a line or download our 5 step guide to UK Property Investing. Not only will we work with you address your goals, but we can also help create a training plan to get you started on your pathway to financial freedom through property investing. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at or
Episode 16 - Creating a Business Plan
Feb 27 2022
Episode 16 - Creating a Business Plan
A key aspect to any business is the creation of a business plan. Although most will agree that the development and writing of a business plan is an extremely daunting task, it is an essential part of any business; regardless of if you a start up company or one that has been in business for 10 or more years. The business plan is your guide to how your company is ran and helps to validate if your idea or product has a chance of being successful. Despite this being an important part of setting the conditions for your business to succeed, many do not know where to begin or what needs to go into the plan. Although there are a number of good resources on the internet to help get you started, its still a daunting task for most. However, if you look at it from a different perspective, its really not a difficult process. This podcast is all about breaking the Business Plan down into a few easy steps and even introducing you to a few alternatives to the standard 20-30 page written document that we all dreed writing. Do you need help in writing a business plan? Do you need guidance on what should be included? If so, you are not alone. Visit our website ( and drop us line. We are here to help. Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at or