Building A Godly Home: Rediscovering the Biblical View of a Parent

Calvary Baptist Church of Hiawassee Georgia

May 9 2024 • 43 mins

In this episode, we delve into the profound wisdom of Proverbs 20:11, which reminds us that even children bear a testimony through their actions. Through biblical exploration, we uncover the essence of goodness and righteousness, as exemplified in the creation account and the delineation of good and evil in Genesis.

We then dissect the two fundamental commands guiding parental responsibility: "Train up a child in the way he should go" and "Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Drawing parallels from ancient scriptures, such as the training of Abram's servants and Joseph's nourishment of his family during famine, we discern the holistic nature of parental guidance, encompassing both physical and spiritual provision.

The episode underscores the pivotal role of parents in nurturing their children in the ways of the Lord, offering spiritual nourishment through the Word of God and imparting wisdom through admonition. It challenges parents to reflect on the foundation of their homes and to prioritize the eternal over the temporal in the upbringing of their children.