Marketplace Kingdom-Minded Entrepreneurs with Rylee Meek S5 EP #145

Unconventional Ministry

Jan 23 2024 • 19 mins

In this episode, learn from Rylee Meek, Founder of The King's Council – a nonprofit ministry that serves as an extension of the local church. Their mission is to disciple Christian entrepreneurs in order to increase the tithe and initiate radical generosity for the purpose of Kingdom advancement here on earth.

The King's Council equips Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs with the tools, systems, and frameworks necessary to discover, develop, and deploy their God-given vision into the marketplace.

Previous episodes you will find interesting:

  • EP #143 Grandparents –The Most Neglected in the Church with Dr. Don Hawkins. Among the local church ministries, grandparents are the most overlooked and neglected resource of the local church. Dr. Hawkins is now changing the statistics! Through The Master Life Coach Training Institute's GrandCoaching™ course – an easy-to-use multimedia presentation that you can take at your own pace – grandparents can bond with their grandchildren, set a godly example, and communicate biblical truth to them to help shape their worldview.