Believing Is Seeing (Miracles). “According to Your Faith, Let It Be Done to You.”

Christian Meditation with Anita Mathias

May 28 2023 • 11 mins

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Meditation on Matthew 9:27-30 begins at 5:28.

Jesus was the only person in the Bible who restored the sight of blind men. The two blind men called out a simple prayer, known as the Jesus prayer, “Jesus, have mercy on us. And their faith activated a miracle when Christ replied, “According to your faith, be it done to you.” And healed them!

The same simple prayer changes things in our lives, too; the transcript of our prayers often becomes the transcript of our lives. However, we live in the “already-not yet” Kingdom. We often see answered prayer but not always, because God often has a happier biography in mind for us than our scripts, which might involve endless scrambling up ladders of striving, success and ever-more. Faith also involves leaving these worries in his hands.

My memoir: Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India UK USA


Twitter : anitamathias1
My book of essays: Wandering Between Two Worlds (US) and UK