The Spirit Gives Us Creative Life-Giving Words

Christian Meditation with Anita Mathias

Jun 18 2023 • 13 mins

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(The meditation on Matthew 12:22 begins at 6:01.)
On using words to light a fires of inspiration and joy, not devastation, as the Apostle James describes!

Words—can inspire, set us on fire, delight…

They can also "set the whole course of one's life on fire," as the Apostle James dramatically says, destroying precious friendships and relationships.

How do we ensure our words bring light, not darkness? We need the Scriptural promise in Ezekiel of the new heart and the new spirit. We need a flooding of the Spirit making all things new within us, with his fruits of love, joy peace, gentleness, and wisdom. A new personality!!

We can accelerate this life-changing experience of the Spirit through ancient practices like breath prayers, breathing out our stress, breathing in prayer like "Come Holy Spirit." Through practices like taking a longish pause before we respond with negative or critical words or emails. Breath prayers and meditation calm and alter our entire neurology, helping us speak words which bring light, not devastation!!

My memoir: Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India UK USA


Twitter : anitamathias1
My book of essays: Wandering Between Two Worlds (US) and UK