The Power in Christ’s Resurrection. For Us. Today

Christian Meditation with Anita Mathias

Apr 13 2023 • 14 mins

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(Scriptural meditation begins at 3:48.)

“Do not be afraid,” is the first sentence the risen Christ says. Because his resurrection frees him from the boundaries of space and time, in each room we enter, Christ is with us--and his Spirit, who helps us change our hearts, our characters, and our lives.

The seismic power which raised Christ from the dead is now available to us, for the issues of our lives, helping us conquer addictions, bad habits, and distressing character traits.

We access this dynamite power by practising prayer. We need, first of all, to slow down, and bathe and saturate our lives in prayer, praying for wisdom and blessing for, before, and during everything we do.

And as God answers, our faith progressively increases, our characters change, and we begin to experience God’s miracles in our lives.

And a prayer:

Oh God of resurrection,

Come with your dynamite power into our lives.

We put our old dreams and our new ones into your hands.

Bring them to life. Make them glow.

Come like a mighty burst of spring into our lives

Bringing apparently dead relationships, dreams,

The things we once loved,

And all our dormant potential to radiant life.

We put our lives into your hands.

Make them beautiful.

Come Lord Jesus.


My memoir: Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India UK USA


Twitter : anitamathias1
My book of essays: Wandering Between Two Worlds (US) and UK