Canada - Touring and Development

Music Industry Insights

Jan 23 2022 • 1 hr 24 mins

Danno O’Shea (Central Canada) Consultant and Agent; Leader and drummer of My Son the Hurricane

John McCuaig (Western Canada) Consultant and Agent; Leader, songwriter and singer of Arcana Kings; (formerly The Johnny McCuaig Band)

Andre Pettipas (Eastern Canada) Consultant and Agent; Leader, songwriter and singer of Andre Pettipas and The Giants

Evan Murray (Canada/Taiwan) Consultant and Agent; ITAC is led and conceptualized by Canadian federally and provincially funded Showcase and Conference Coordinator of Vision 360 Productions Inc. Live At Heart Newfoundland, Evan Murray.

Summary ITAC is a global music industry consultancy and booking agency/promotion company. We will work with independent musicians, record labels, booking agencies, managers, promotion companies, publicists, brands, government funding agencies, music industry associations, and music export offices. We offer professional services to help make music business projects and export initiatives more successful.

ITAC collectively see the opportunity for this music industry-based business to exist in this fast-paced world full of global opportunities.

“Export Ready” is a term used to qualify that an artist is ready to proceed to perform outside of their country of residence. The ITAC experts are able to develop artists to be “Export Ready” through our consultation services and potentially to tour them regionally, nationally, and internationally. We are primarily based in Sweden, Taiwan and Canada, however our networks are global.

We will give our clients the best chance at successfully breaking into chosen and fully researched markets and/or integrate into the music scenes that make the most sense for them and for their music business.

We acknowledge that not everyone in the music business, or every artist can gain the same amount of success as others. For anyone to become successful, it takes wits, skill, integrity, dedication, excellent decision making, luck and most of all having the network, relationships and expertise to execute well made plans.

Our booking team at ITAC can plan and arrange tours across Canada. We have partnerships around the world to explore potential touring and opportunities in other countries. Success comes in many different shapes and forms. There is “Breaking into a market” success, and there are “success stories” to help build the music business project in one’s own backyard.

Starting from our questionnaire, and through consultation with the artists and other colleagues, we will develop the best plan possible for your music business.

What is ITAC? ITAC Stands for International Touring Association of Canada.

We are a group of professional musicians, agents, music industry consultants, licensing and synchronization professionals and showcase conference and festival organizers. Collectively we know how to arrange Canadian and international touring experiences and are aware of many potential opportunities to break into regional music scenes across the world.

We have much experience planning tours of venues and festivals, obtaining press, radio play, amassing fans and revenue through syncing and licensing, publishing and masters. We gather all the information necessary to make a successful plan for our clients to emerge and be more successful in their music business affairs. We especially know how the Canadian music scene, weather/seasons, roads and Canadian music culture work, as well as the international markets. We have many friends and partners to help us give our clients the best music business planning experience possible.

IITAC is for Industry Professionals and Musicians. ITAC is a booking and consultancy service for everyone in the music business. We can work with managers of multiple artists, complete record label rosters, export offices at preparing their clients to be export ready. We can help create and facilitate export initiatives for Music Industry Association offices and we can consult and book individual artists as well.

By filling out our questionnaire form, we will be able to better understand potential clients’ needs and resources and we will then be able, through an incoming, free, consultation, to identify how we can be of the utmost service to a new client.

How does ITAC work? The first step is to send us a message on Facebook, or email us, to let us know a bit about your project, such as where you are living. The second step is to fill out our questionnaire. There are two different forms, one is for clients in Canada and the other for clients outside of Canada. If we believe the client has music with the potential to be successful, a 2-hour introduction consultation will be arranged. The consultation will be a process of understanding the experience level, vision and potential of our client’s initiatives and what are some of the best ways for structuring and planning this vision to become a reality.

When our potential client answers the questionnaire we will be able to have a better idea of what experience level our clients have attained. All clients are unique to us, from entry level independent music business experience, all the way to Music Industry Association Executive Directors. The level of experience and position in the music industry will give us a preface for our consultation. Our ITAC team members can consult about subjects such as: logos and branding, digital presence, terrestrial radio, marketing and PR strategies, merchandise, backline, travel arrangements, the importance of your website, syncing and licensing, finding a publisher, copywriting your music, royalties, why it’s important to create specific EPK’s for specific regions, and what you need to know and include in a powerful EPK. It can include social media strategies and/or tour planning for the novice to the professional. We can set up weekly mentoring and guidance sessions for our clients where we will assign tasks to build and strengthen a professional business brand out of their music project. Finally, we will discuss preparing artists for booking opportunities – how to create a stage plot, technical rider and the inside need to know items about touring. Becoming export ready is not a simple task, it takes talend and true dedication with a serious business attitude for the endeavor. We can also teach how to attend showcase conferences to get best results. We teach about possible grants and associated budgeting and reporting. Our professionals at ITAC will make individual plans to suit the needs of each individual customer. We understand different clients will have different needs.

Please visit our Facebook page and send us a message, or email us to get the process started.

Is ITAC for Canadians? ITAC are committed to giving our International clients as well as our Canadian clients the best chance at breaking into their desired market places. If the client is past the application process the first and most important aspect is understanding our relationship. We can offer consultations based on career orientation inside and outside of Canada. We believe there is real value in building your music business product regionally and nationally before taking it abroad. Of course, there are special circumstances for everything, and we are willing to consult and explore all possibilities. We also realize that there are different needs based on different levels of experience. Our team members have collectively booked artists in 6 continents; North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia. We strongly encourage Canadian, European, Australian, and Asian funding agencies, export offices, MIA’s, and music professionals to contact us for a consultation.

Why use ITAC as a Music Professional outside of Canada Canada is one of the most beautiful and friendly countries on Earth. It includes most of the various ethnicities and cultures throughout the world. The booking partners at ITAC are three of the most successful and experienced artist professionals of their specific Canadian regions. Each of our booking partners have firsthand experience booking festivals and executing successful Canadian tours. We also have two showcase conference coordinators and executives on our team. These showcase conference coordinators have global networks and are constantly attending music networking events around the world, building and structuring contacts, projects and ideas to further the growth of the global music market place. ITAC is a prime consultancy service for educating yourself, building your brand and booking your artists. Please do the research on our team members and decide for yourself.