Choosing the Ascension Timeline

Heal Here

Mar 1 2024 • 28 mins

After I recorded this episode, I realized that this week was supposed to be the March Akashic Oracle Forecast....whoops!

I have been living in a bubble working on my two courses, and somehow February slipped away from me!! How is it possible that today is the first day of March!?

I'm actually pretty annoyed because it's not very often that my podcast release date coincides with the actual first day of the month....ugh. Oh well, I trust this happened for a reason - I will record the March forecast next week:)

In this episode my spiritual karaoke leads me to talk about the two timelines that exist right now, and how to get on the ascension timeline.

  • Living on a prayer
  • Choosing the higher timeline
  • The ascension timeline is available to us all
  • How do you choose the higher timeline?
  • What does it look like to walk the higher timeline?
  • The Culturally Created Self, the Dormant Self, and the Authentic Self
  • Reiki Master training

Reiki Master Hybrid Training - pre-recorded content and live classes on March 3rd & 10th

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Connect with me:    Instagram: @oraclelightworker Email: Website: Kate Flick @oraclelightworker Usui Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki Master ICRT Animal Reiki Master Akashic Records Reader Certified Breathwork & Meditation Teacher Certified Angel Guide IIN Integrative Nutrition Health Coach