16: Convicted to Conquered: A Journey of Redemeption with Ian Humphrey

Front Runner

Sep 5 2023 • 43 mins

Ian Humphrey was one of the lucky ones’ even though it certainly didn’t seem so at first. As a child, he faced his own series of difficult circumstances, from losing his mother at an early age and never truly knowing his own derelict father, to living in foster care and spending his adolescence in the rough parts of South Central LA. At 19, he succumbed to the negative voices that had always said he would be just like his father,’ committing a crime and being sentenced to 15 years in prison. So far it doesn’t sound too lucky, right?

But everything changed when one person the first person in his life to do so saw the potential for good in him. While Ian was in solitary confinement for having provoked a fight, a teacher went out of his way to pay him a visit. He sat and talked with Ian, really listened, then said the simple words that would change Ian’s life forever: ‘I believe in you!’

Today, Ian is the general manager of a successful multi-million dollar metal fabrication company, speaker and author and has made it his goal to motivate, inspire, and help others learn to see obstacles as an opportunity and achieve the success which we all deserve.

Connect with Ian Humphrey:

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Intro and Outro Music by Thomas The Third

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