How I Modify Exam Week For My Kids Who Learn Differently

Flamingo Feathers

Feb 17 2023 • 26 mins

This week's episode is in response to a question I got from a listener regarding how we make a Charlotte Mason style exam week work for our kids, even if they don't typically "test well." Our family is in the middle of Term 2 exam week, so it's a perfect time to answer!

If you aren't familiar with Charlotte Mason's method for examination, I start the episode discussing exams.  I also talk about what Charlotte Mason's exam questions look like for our family and how they are different from the typical tests we all grew up taking in school. And finally I share how I modify questions or my exam giving methods based on what makes sense to accommodate my kids' different learning disabilities such as memory issues and dyslexia so that I can have a true idea of what my kids do know.

If you have been considering Charlotte Mason's methods, but exam week seems like more than your child can handle, I hope you'll take a listen!

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