Ep 6 - Little Pokes for Ladies Night Out

SongRx Podcast

Jul 11 2023 • 1 hr 3 mins

In this episode of SongRx, Kayleigh, Roxie, and Jim dive into the world of sexy dance tunes as they respond to a listener's request for a prescription. The listener shares a memorable night at a John Legend concert that started off sensual but took an unexpected turn, leaving her craving more sultry music for her ladies' night out. The hosts discuss their interpretations of what makes a song "sexy" and offer a range of tracks to set the mood for a memorable night on the town. From classic R&B to contemporary pop, this episode is filled with sensual and danceable tunes to get you in the mood. So whether you're heading to a ladies' night out or just looking to add some spice to your playlist, tune in to find the perfect prescription for your musical needs. Enjoy the sexy vibes and get ready to dance the night away! PRESCRIPTION BEGINS @ 23:21.