The Letters of John Newton - Mrs Wilberforce 1764

Auburn Friends

Feb 25 2021 • 8 mins

"I aim to speak plain truths to a plain people! May it please the God of all grace, to accompany my feeble endeavors to promote the knowledge of His truth! If my letters are owned to comfort the afflicted, to quicken the careless, to confirm the wavering — I will rejoice." - John Newton

John Newton, well known as the author of the song,  Amazing Grace, was radically changed by the Lord Jesus Christ and became an outstanding witness to that grace that never ceased to amaze him.  From his letters we come to know a man of great humility and wisdom, and though written some 250 years ago, they continue to comfort and encourage those who take the time to read them.

These readings are from the edition of letters edited by Josiah Bull and first published in 1869.

Concerning Mrs. Wilberforce, the editor writes:

"Mrs. Wilberforce was the wife of William Wilberforce, Esq., uncle to the celebrated statesman and philanthropist, William Wilberforce. ... She was a remarkably godly woman, a lover of all true Christians, and ever anxious and ready with her influence and her wealth to promote the cause of Christ."