Revelation: The Woman on the Beast

The Word for Everyday Disciples with Dave DeSelm

Mar 17 2024 • 37 mins

Revelation 17 is one of the most difficult passages in the entire book. The identity of the woman on the beast has been a matter of great theological debate down through the years.

In trying to interpret these thornier texts, it’s important to ask this basic question of biblical hermeneutics: What did the writer intend to say to his original audience? The Bible cannot mean what it never meant.

As John’s audience read the vision of this woman, they would have quickly identified her as Rome. The beast, as we’ve seen in earlier visions, symbolizes political power.  In John’s day, that would have been the emperor. So, we have a godless system supported by political power.

But this vision did not simply apply to a 1st-century empire. It also points to a leader that is yet to come. The Antichrist – the beast of Rev. 13 - a charismatic leader who will arise in the last days out of a restored Roman Empire. He will create a city that will serve as his social, political, and religious base while he attempts to establish his kingdom. And world leaders will “get in bed” with the Anti-Christ and his godless system.

As God’s wrath is poured out with greater and greater destruction, the Antichrist will turn on his allies and the system will begin to implode. Like wounded animals, they devour each other.

So, what are we to learn here?

Rev. 18:4 is a key verse: “‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins…”

We need to understand that we all face the temptation to compromise with the system.

The system – “Rome” – is anything that could seduce you or intimidate you into not fully following Christ.

In an earlier letter, John called this system “the world.” He wrote: “Do not love the world, nor the things that are in the world…” (1 Jn. 2:5-6)

He then breaks down the things in the world as:

  • The lust of the flesh = Sensualism
  • The lust of the eyes = Materialism
  • The boastful pride of life = Egotism

We can have promising beginnings and thriving hearts, and then get seduced by the world.  It is a very real threat.

We need to understand what will be the end of any system that defies Christ.

That John symbolized “Rome” as a prostitute isn’t accidental. He’s making a vivid point. You may think this grand and glorious world system is so desirable, but the reality is that “Rome the Magnificent” is a bloated, pathetic streetwalker. Doomed to destruction.  So don’t be seduced by her evil or intimidated by her power. Take a long view of life and be faithful.

We need to understand the loss for any person who trusts in such a system.

In Rev. 18:9-19 we see people who bet everything they had that alliance with “Rome” would give them power, wealth, and security. But in the end, “Rome” didn’t come through. All her promises were as empty as the words of a prostitute.

You’ve started the race well; but will you finish well?

Only you can answer that.  Only you can put safeguards into your life - spiritual disciplines, solid community, honest accountability - so you can run the race, finish the course, and win the prize.

Text: Revelation 17-18

Originally recorded on May 14, 2000, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN