Revelation: The Conflict of the Ages

The Word for Everyday Disciples with Dave DeSelm

Feb 25 2024 • 39 mins

One of the central themes of the book of Revelation is the struggle that has been going on down through time between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.

We’ve already seen how that conflict will culminate in a series of dramatic “end time” events. But in John’s vision recorded in Revelation 12, God pulls back the curtain of human history and lets us see what’s been going on behind the scenes.

There are three primary players in this great struggle:

1.     The woman = faithful Israel
2.     The Dragon = Satan
3.     The Child = Jesus, the Messiah

To understand this conflict, we need to go back into eternity past. From the Creation account in Genesis 1, we know that God created everything and called it “good.” There was no evil whatsoever.

Part of God’s “good” creation were the angels themselves. These angels had various ranks and responsibilities, among the highest were archangels. The Bible names two of them: Michael and Lucifer.

However, the Bible tells of a time when Lucifer began to desire the throne of God for himself. He rallied other angels to his side - a full 1/3 of them - and a civil war of sorts broke out in heaven. This is what we read about in Rev. 12.

Michael and the holy angels defeated Lucifer and his horde, and they were booted out of heaven. Now called “the devil” or “Satan,” he prowls the earth assisted by those dark angels or demons. Their goal is to destroy the ones God, in love, created to be His family.

Though things looked ruined when Adam and Eve sinned, God still had a plan. A plan for Satan’s ultimate destruction and mankind’s ultimate redemption – all through the offspring of a woman. (Gen. 3:15)

When all things were ready, this promised Deliverer was born to a Jewish girl named Mary. The Dragon sought to kill that child, but God’s promise would not be thwarted.

Rev. 12 then leaps ahead to the end of time where it speaks of God’s protection of His faithful people and the persecution of the woman (faithful Israel) for 3 ½ years.

The chapter ends with the sobering truth that we who are committed to Christ are the unique focus of Satan’s rage and efforts to destroy.

The point of John’s vision is clear: there is a battle going on and like it or not… we’re in it.

From this passage, we see 3 strategies the enemy uses against us in this battle and 3 counter-strategies God gives us.

1. Deception (v.9)

If Satan can’t make you unfaithful to God, he will seek to make you unfruitful for God. And the primary way he does that is through deception. Every chain of sin begins with the link of deceit.

Deception is countered by Truth. Don’t buy the lie.  You’ll lose every time. Rather, cling to the truth.

2. Intimidation (v. 12)

John Ortberg said, “The Evil One will use deceit to get you to do what’s wrong and intimidation to keep you from doing what’s right.”

Intimidation is countered by pre-decision. Before the temptation ever comes, you need to have already made up your mind about how you will react .

3. Accusation (v. 10)

The Evil One deceives us and intimidates us to induce us to do wrong… then when we give in…he takes on the role of the Accuser.

Accusation is countered by the cross. Verse 11 says the way we overcome the Accuser is by the “blood of the Lamb and the word of (our) testimony.”

Text: Revelation 12

Originally recorded on April 16, 2000, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.