Revelation: Last Words

The Word for Everyday Disciples with Dave DeSelm

Apr 14 2024 • 24 mins

We have reached the conclusion of this great book. But it’s also how God chose to conclude the entire Bible. So, if these are the last words of the Bible, we need to ask ourselves, “What does God hope for us to remember?”

As I read through these final verses, I came up with a list of His hopes for us, and my hopes for you.

1. I hope we will have a greater commitment to the local church.

The book of Revelation began with “To the seven churches…” Now it ends in the same way: “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.” (Rev. 22:16)

This truth was written to real people in literal assemblies with the hope that they would live for God’s glory and extend His Kingdom…and that they would do so within the context of community. Putting it simply, from the very beginning, God believed in the local church as the hope of the world.

The church never has been perfect. But this imperfect new community was, and still is, His chosen tool to fix a broken world.  And, that being the case, I want to challenge you  - as never before – to commit your time, talent, and treasure to the local church.

2.     I hope we will have a greater desire for heartfelt worship.

One of the great themes of this book has been the supreme importance of worship. Now here in chapter 22, we see a two-word mandate given to John in vs. 9: “Worship God!”

My prayer is that you will come out of this study determined to follow the heavenly model. That every time you enter the sanctuary to worship, you will see it as an opportunity to glorify God on earth even as you practice for heaven.

3.     I hope we will have a greater devotion to active obedience.

Verse 7 says: “Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy…”

My hope is that we will come out of this study with a newfound commitment to obey. That every time our King asks something of us, we’ll instantly respond, “As You wish.”

Obedience, though difficult, always leads to blessing.

4.      I hope we will have a greater zeal for courageous evangelism.

One of the great points of joy in this study has been the hope of heaven that we who know Christ have. But we’ve also been confronted by the ultimate judgment that awaits those who don’t come to Christ: the Lake of Fire.

I hope we will look at every person we meet as someone who matters to God.  Moreover, he/she is an eternal being who will live forever in either heaven or hell.  And maybe, just maybe, God has brought them across my path so that I can help them move a bit closer to the Cross.

5.     I hope we will have a greater anticipation for Christ’s return.

This is our hope.  He is coming …He is coming soon.  So, let’s be a church that is ready for Him…with robes washed white…actively serving while we’re excitedly waiting.

Text: Revelation 22:7-21

Originally recorded on June 25, 2000, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN