Ep. 232 Creating Vibrational “Notes” with Matt Gardan

The Stream of David

Oct 26 2023 • 32 mins

Think of a vibrational note as a blank canvas, where you can have any experience that you can imagine. The note is the essence of it that you can then tap into at any time. It exists eternally and can be revisited on a whim. The note also serves to shift your subconscious so that your reaction to what you’re experiencing in a moment can be one aligned with your abundance, rather than fear or judgment or some other lower-vibe emotion. It's a powerful tool and Tya Masters David Strickel & Matt Gardan share how to use it and begin applying the technique in your life right away. Get your copy of our upcoming book: The Tya Practice!  Preorder now! For Hardcover Copy Preorder Here