The Journey to Better

Dr. Bill Lombardi

Dr. Bill Lombardi has been one of the highest-volume complex PCI and chronic total occlusion (CTO) operators in the world for over a decade. He's always striving to improve his skills and methods to perform safer and more efficient procedures. It's a journey to better that extends beyond technical and into mental and emotional health. Bill will discuss topics, ideas, and examples with special guests and live audience questions to navigate his journey to better.

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Dr. Hemal Gada - Navigating Industry Influence
May 24 2024
Dr. Hemal Gada - Navigating Industry Influence
Prepare to have your perspective on the interplay between industry-sponsored clinical trials and physician decision-making profoundly expanded.  Esteemed interventional cardiologist Hemal Gada, MD joins me to scrutinize the nuanced influence of industry partnerships in healthcare and the ethical quandaries they pose. Our conversation promises to equip you with an understanding of how these relationships can shape treatment options and patient care, and why transparency and patient benefit must remain at the forefront of our minds.As we explore the complex marriage of industry influence and medical innovation, you'll gain insights into the struggles facing the adoption of new procedures within cardiology. We question why medical societies aren't pushing for accountability in learning advanced methods and discuss the cognitive hurdles that prevent physicians from embracing groundbreaking practices. By sharing personal anecdotes and emphasizing the transformative power of education, we underscore the importance of civil discourse and the collective pursuit of improving patient care.Wrapping up our enlightening discussion, we reflect on the necessity of operator competencies in achieving the best clinical trial outcomes. We ponder the challenges of changing established practices and the vital importance of elevating expertise and continuous improvement. This episode is an invitation to join us in the quest to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice in healthcare, inspiring a journey toward the betterment of patient outcomes – a mission that transcends the industry's grasp.
Dr. Tariq Salman - The Art of Vulnerability and Excellence
May 10 2024
Dr. Tariq Salman - The Art of Vulnerability and Excellence
Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads between what you've always done and the potential of what you could do?  This episode offers a glimpse into the heart of medicine with Dr. Tariq Salman, an interventional cardiologist whose own pivot from academic medicine to private practice exemplifies the essence of adaptability and continuous growth. We share stories and insights on the art of mastering cardiology's complexities while maintaining an open mind in the face of evolving medical practices.The journey of self-betterment is fraught with confronting our limitations, and it is within this space that we find the seeds of personal and professional growth. Dr. Salman and I delve into how recognizing and tackling our weaknesses can transform our approach to patient care and self-actualization. The discussion navigates through learning new skills, such as ultrasound-guided access, and emphasizes eloquent communication with patients, separating professional setbacks from our self-worth.Collaboration over competition, the nurturing of curiosity, and the value of shared knowledge take center stage as we explore how these principles can revolutionize patient care. We dissect the vital importance of feedback in refining medical techniques and underscore the parallels between the discipline of elite athletes and the resilience required in medicine. Wrapping up, we touch on the profound influence of authenticity and compassion in both our personal lives and the workplace, leaving you with a vivid reminder of the transformative power of vulnerability and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us for this profound expedition as we journey towards being better practitioners, better listeners, and ultimately, better human beings.
Stephanie Patterson - Lifestyle Medicine
Apr 19 2024
Stephanie Patterson - Lifestyle Medicine
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Stephanie Patterson BSN, RN, dipACLN, who transformed her career as a critical care nurse into a mission for wellness through lifestyle medicine.  Her candid insights reveal the stark realities of burnout in high-stress healthcare roles and the revival of her spirit through embracing a new approach to health. Together, we traverse the emotional landscapes that shape our health choices, from the subtle daily stressors to the life-altering traumas that can redirect our entire existence. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about the metamorphosis of identity as Stephanie and I discuss the inner work that's crucial for meaningful transformation. The dialogue unfolds like a roadmap, guiding listeners through the importance of self-awareness, confronting fears, and redefining success to unlock genuine fulfillment.As the episode progresses, we advocate for a cultural overhaul within the healthcare realm, promoting a holistic model that marries health coaching with traditional medicine. Stephanie's story is not just a narrative of personal enlightenment; it's a call to action for all caregivers to cultivate deeper connections with themselves and their patients. By the end of our journey, we arrive at the shared understanding that incremental lifestyle adjustments can lead to monumental shifts in health outcomes and personal contentment. Join us as we lay bare the heart and soul of health transformation.
Dr. Bob Foster - Persistence & Protection
Apr 5 2024
Dr. Bob Foster - Persistence & Protection
When the weight of a lead apron threatens to end a career, what does a pioneering cardiologist do?  Dr. Bob Foster, a beacon in the field of cardiology and peripheral intervention, wasn't ready to hang up his stethoscope. Journey with him as he defies the odds, crafting a legacy that intertwines medical innovation with personal triumph over adversity. From his upbringing in hospital corridors to the epiphany that led to a pioneering radiation protection device, Dr. Foster's story is a masterclass in turning challenges into catalysts for change.Navigating the complexities of the healthcare industry requires more than just medical knowledge; it demands courage and creativity. In an episode brimming with ingenuity, we uncover how Dr. Foster's collaboration with an engineer and close friend resulted in Rampart, a revolutionary lead-free radiation protection system. This narrative isn't just about a medical device; it's a testament to the power of teamwork and tireless dedication to patient care, even when faced with personal health battles. The evolution of safety practices in the cath lab—and the skeptics turned advocates along the way—offers a compelling look at how persistence can reshape an entire field.But this isn't solely a tale of professional achievement. At its heart, Dr. Foster's journey is underscored by the resilience born of faith, family, and health. The candid discussion on cultivating compassion in the face of corporatization, the importance of prioritizing patient care over volume, and the call for cultural shifts within medicine, challenges us to consider the broader implications of our work. It's an invitation to champion innovation and collaboration, ensuring those who heal others aren't left behind in the pursuit of progress.