Electric Car Chat - Securing Your EV with Legal Protection Insurance: A £15 Shield with Graham Hill - Insurance Revelations Pt10

Electric Car Chat

Mar 13 2024 • 8 mins

Have you ever wondered if your electric car comes with a safety net for legal kerfuffles? Graham Hill spills the beans on the ins and outs of legal protection insurance, a topic that's not only crucial but often overlooked by many electric vehicle enthusiasts. With his characteristic clarity, Graham recounts his own experiences with the RAC's Legal Protection Plus, highlighting the substantial benefits it offers for a surprisingly affordable £15 a year. From combating car dealership disputes to challenging those pesky speeding tickets, this episode is your guide to ensuring that when it comes to legal skirmishes, you're never left in the lurch.

As we navigate through Graham's sage advice, it becomes clear that checking your existing policies for overlapping coverage is as important as having the legal protection itself. He points out that your home insurance or even your bank account might already serve as a legal shield in some capacity. Moreover, Graham doesn't just stop at vehicle-related issues; he expands the conversation to include the 24-7 helpline's utility in addressing matters of wills, employment law, and more. Strap in for a session that promises to arm you with the knowledge to defend your electric vehicle investment and keep you cruising with confidence.

To watch this on video click:   https://youtu.be/thYZA7GdGVY

To buy a copy of Electric Cars - The Truth Revealed visit grahamhilltraining.com