Behind the Veil of Critical Race Theory (Part 1)

From Behind the Veil

May 25 2021 • 51 mins

Envoy tackles the new front in the fight against racism. We take an in-depth look at the impact of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project on the current civil rights movement, the U.S. education system, and the church. At least a dozen states have legislation under consideration that bans this teaching from their schools, and Governors have already begun signing it into law. What's behind this push that some say replaces American history with ideology? Where does the truth lie and how should the church speak to this issue facing families across the nation?
Carrington speaks from his personal experience and provides critical insight on the integration of personal culture and faith that prioritizes the Kingdom above all else. Discover in this powerful episode how we can unite when the thirst for division is stronger than ever.

Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC. Learn more about us at