Hope, Reparation, Modesty & Chastity

Women en la Frontera Podcast

Oct 13 2022 • 37 mins

Episode 6

Topic: Hope, Reparation, Modesty & Chastity
In this episode, Patricia Sandoval, a prolife and chastity speaker, and author of the book Transfigured, joins Kristina Garza, a missionary, educator, and activist and Brenda Nettles Riojas, Diocesan Relations Director of the Diocese of Brownsville and Editor of The Valley Catholic, for a conversation about hope, reparation, modesty, chastity and the defense of life.


Patricia Sandoval, a prolife and chastity speaker, and author of the book Transfigured, in which she shares her story of redemption after three abortions, drug addiction and homelessness.

Kristina Garza, a missionary, educator, and activist.

Reflection Questions:

  • What is modesty? Do you practice modesty?
  • What gives you hope?
  • Are there moments in your life for which you need to offer reparation?

Moving Forward & Frontera Tips

Patricia Sandoval:

Persevere. Never give up. “We are called to be faithful to the end.”

Kristina Garza:

Joy. “Remember, we are apostles of joy. … There is always a cause for joy.” “We persevere, but we also persevere with a smile.”


Learn. Learn more. Pick up a copy of Patricia Sandoval’s book: Transfigured: Patricia Sandoval's Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood
