Let’s talk about death

Women en la Frontera Podcast

Nov 10 2022 • 34 mins

Episode 10, Let’s talk about death
In this episode, Lydia Pesina, director of the Family Life Office for the Diocese of Brownsville, who facilitates grieving sessions, joins Brenda Nettles Riojas for a conversation about death, working through grief, remembering our loved ones, and our own memento mori.

Lydia Pesina, director of the Family Life Office for the Diocese of Brownsville.

Reflection Questions:

Who are you praying for this season of your life? How are you honoring their memory?

  • Your Memento Mori/Remember your death. Are your prepared? Have you been following Christ and growing in holiness?
  • How do you accompany another in their time of grief?

Frontera Tips

Book: The New Day Journal: A journey from grief to healing for people coping with the loss of a loved one,” by Mauryeen O’Brian

Song: “Tiempos” by Ruben Blades (https://youtu.be/mCjYsBscZ7I)

Tips for those who are grieving:

  1. Embrace all emotions as they appear.
  2. Do the WORK of grieving.
  3. Process your grief with another.
  4. Be patient with yourself and with God’s healing process.
  5. Be cognitive of the stages of grieving.

Create a play list of music that reminds you of your loved one who has passed.

Two songs on Brenda’s list include:

“Vivir Mi Vida” by Marc Anthony (https://youtu.be/YXnjy5YlDwk?t=63)

“For Those Who Can't Be Here” by Tom Walker (https://youtu.be/dyXBfAjDj-A)