7: Communicating Psychological Safety

LDS Missionary Moms

Feb 12 2024 • 15 mins

In this podcast episode, we discuss the importance of creating psychological safety for missionary kids. I share my insights on fostering open communication, avoiding coddling, and not pressuring children into missions. Drawing from my personal experiences, I highlight the need for a safe space where kids can express themselves without fear of judgment. We talk about contrasting coddling with teaching independence and caution against over-functioning for children. Advocate for respecting their choices and fostering their growth, ending with an offer of coaching support for parents seeking to deepen their understanding of these concepts.

May's class on how to set boundaries, how to advocate for themselves, and when to ask for help: https://forms.gle/xqcPkJw1cF8j3ndd8

Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

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