13: Linking Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions

LDS Missionary Moms

Mar 25 2024 • 12 mins

Hey there, friends! In this episode, I had a great time sharing a handy tool I use in my life coaching sessions. It's all about looking back at our thoughts and seeing how they shape our feelings, actions, and results. I even talked about how this approach I learned from the Life Coach School.

I gave some real-life examples, like how a mom might react to her son's letter from his mission, and even shared a personal story about my son's mission call. It's all about swapping out those unhelpful thoughts for ones that empower us.

I also stressed the importance of watching our thoughts – think of it like not letting a toddler run around with a knife! Plus, I'm super excited about the upcoming group sessions where we'll dive even deeper into these ideas. Can't wait to help you all feel more empowered and less overwhelmed by your thoughts. Catch you next time!

May's class on how to set boundaries, how to advocate for themselves, and when to ask for help: https://forms.gle/xqcPkJw1cF8j3ndd8

Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

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