I'm a sinner, doing my best to point others to Christ.


Dec 1 2023 • 12 mins

We can get caught up in thinking those who post about Jesus are perfect people. I am here to tell you that we are, in fact, not perfect. Quite the opposite. Yes, when the Holy Spirit begins to work through us, we change. But that does not change the fact that we are still going through life making mistakes and doing things that Jesus would not have done. We need to go through life doing our best to embody Christ-like characteristics. Jesus is the only one who is perfect.

Scriptures to read, study & meditate on:
- 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
- Matthew 11:28-30
- Isaiah 55:3
- John 6:63
- James 4:6-8

Questions to ask yourself:
1. Am I going through life with a worldly point of view or an eternal point of view?
2. Do I feel unworthy of Christ's love for us?
3. What is one thing that needs to change in my life? How can I achieve this?

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