Season 2 - Ep. 1: Reframing God

Confidently His

Feb 22 2022 • 36 mins

Welcome back to Season 2 of Mornings With God! In this first episode, we set the foundation for this journey we're going on together this season - and really our entire lives - by discussing the identity of God.

The Bible says a lot of things about God but we don't always feel like they're true. So this episode we discuss how we learn who God is, and practical things we can do to reframe Him in our minds and hearts when needed.

Also, I put together a [FREE] 12-page study called "God is..." to help you learn more about the identity and character of God for yourself. Grab it HERE!

Super excited about all that's to come in Season 2 of Mornings With God. Let's grow together!

In grace and grit,


Important links:
Confidently His Website
"God, What The Heck?!" Book
Chantelle's Instagram
"God is..." Study