Are You Really a Christian?

My Friend the Friar

Jan 26 2024 • 21 mins

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In this episode, John unravels the threads of apostolic authority that anchor the  Church in divinely ordained leadership, a concept as pivotal today as it was in Jesus' time. He casts light on the 'binding and loosing' entrusted to the apostles, an indisputable authority that continues to shape God's will through the Church's teachings.

The echoes of the early Church ring true in the wisdom of Ignatius of Antioch, guiding us through a reflection on the steadfast church hierarchy and its continuity into present times. He probes the legitimacy of apostolic succession and its implications for church leadership, encouraging you to contemplate the structural foundations of your own faith community. This paves the way for future dialogues about the essence of Jesus' teachings, including the significance of the Eucharist, and so the invitation stands: to question, to learn, and to live out the faith with authenticity and conviction.

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