Manic Meatball Monday

Eulypsa Protocol

Oct 18 2019 • 16 mins

This recording comes to us courtesy of Minda, one of our fellow CyberSeekers. While most our time is spent plumbing the fathomless depths of the dark web, every once in a while, we’ll stumble across a gem like this one hiding in plain sight.

Such was the case of the modified Furby Minda found listed on Ebay by a seller out of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The seller was an amateur urban explorer who discovered the original 90’s style electronic Furby toy in an abandoned Toys’ R Us. It was clear by the asking price the seller had no clue what they had.

Among the millions of otherwise unremarkable listings parsed by Minda’s web crawler, it was the description of this one particular Furby that caught the bot’s attention:

“Original 1998 Ocean Ripples Furby. Out of package. Broken voice box. Keeps repeating ‘Welcome to the Deep Reach.’”