034 – Bad Instructions, Bad Results!

Creativity Excitement Emotion

Feb 26 2024 • 6 mins

If you receive bad instruction, you’ll get bad results. Obviously, right? And to be fair, there are people out there who are intentionally steering you in the wrong direction. But sometimes, the best instructions can still go through the wrong filter, leading to subpar results. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares why this happens. Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Trying and failing to open a bag of cereal 01:07 – Getting and interpreting instructions 01:46 – What happens when you get the recipe wrong? 02:43 – “Gurus” steering you in the wrong direction 03:59 – Even with the best instructions, you can still mess it up 04:38 – The importance of ongoing self-education Transcript: I was opening a bag of cereal this morning. You notice how sometimes they have instructions on them, like “Tear here?” So, I was trying to tear it open, and I managed to remove some of the material but not enough of it… the tear should have been a little bit lower. So, the bag did not open. Now I'm trying to pull it open and that's not happening. Of course, at that point, scissors and knives come out to cut. It's one of those resealable bags, right? If you do it wrong – now, I managed to avoid this – but if you do it wrong, you end up ruining the resealable parts. Then the bag is cut open and the entire system is ruined. But what this reminded me of was the fact that sometimes we get instructions from our coaches or mentors, the people who are guiding us in our careers. It could even be our managers. Now, their advice could be perfectly on point, but sometimes the way we hear it and interpret it and then put it into action simply won’t work. The advice you receive could be on point. But the way you interpret it and put it into action could be flawed.Click To Tweet So, even with the best instructions, you can run into situations where it was not executed correctly. It was not interpreted correctly. And because it ended up filtering through you, you did not get the expected results from the action. And this is what we run into most with our training. I think most experts are well-meaning. You can certainly identify those who are just out there constantly selling on webinars every day, all the time, every week. “Webinar, webinar, webinar, come see my webinar. buy my course, buy my thing, buy my stack, buy my offer.” I'm not saying that's wrong, but I think some people do have more of a money motive than a willingness, inclination, or passion to help others. But the point is if we're actively looking and questioning what we're hearing, then we're not receiving bad advice. Now, sometimes we are. But we're not generally receiving bad advice though. So, we think we heard it right and we did it right and we executed correctly and for some reason, the recipe doesn't work, and the cake tastes horrible. That's human error. Then on the other hand, of course, you will find people that don't give you the right instructions or don't give them to you in a way that could even be interpreted and executed properly by you. Now, mindset advice is sometimes like this, and mindset is more about, “Let me get my attitude and thinking straight so that I can go and do the things that I need to do without having to constantly contend with distractions and negative feedback and negative comments” because those things are going to come whether you like it or not. Some people just aren't going to like you or they’re not going to like what you do. But if you have the right mindset, you won't be held back by negative comments and negative reviews and… God forbid death threats, which is not fun for anyone. Some of my friends have received those too. But mainly we're talking about practical advice on how to book more gigs or how to set up an online music care...