Ep. 37 - Messiah's Arrival: When will it be? (Sanhedrin 97a)

Thinking Talmudist Podcast · Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

Nov 14 2023 • 30 mins

Join us as we explore the concept of the times of Messiah and the identifiers on the Thinking Talmudist. We discuss the purpose of Messiah's arrival, how the prayer Aleinu speaks to the distinction of the Jewish people, and the idea of Tikkun Olam. We'll also tackle the question of why anti-Semitism exists in the world today, examine the signs in the Talmud of what will be in the times of Messiah, and the Gemara's discussion on the world existing for 6,000 years and being completely destroyed for 1,000. Discover why the Jewish calculation of the age of the world is from Adam and Eve, not creation, and why this is so.

We'll then move onto Gog and Magog in Jewish prophecy. Listen in as we explore the potential messianic implications of the struggle between Sancharov and Chiskiya and reflect on the many indicators that the time of Messiah was near. Discover the importance of spiritual activity, such as learning Torah and committing to mitzvahs, in protecting the Jewish people and how the concept of jealousy could be a possible source of anti-Semitism, as described in the Midrash. As we prepare for the Times of Messiah, we will highlight the importance of performing mitzvahs to elevate ourselves and the entire Jewish people and how these mitzvahs will bring us closer to God. Don't miss out on the importance of praying and lighting Shabbos candles on time and how we look forward to the day when we will all greet Messiah in Jerusalem.


The Thinking Talmudist Podcast shares select teachings of Talmud in a fresh, insightful and meaningful way. Many claim that they cannot learn Talmud because it is in ancient Aramaic or the concepts are too difficult. Well, no more excuses. In this podcast you will experience the refreshing and eye-opening teachings while gaining an amazing appreciation for the divine wisdom of the Torah and the depths of the Talmud.

This episode of the Thinking Talmudist Podcast (Ep. 37) is dedicated in honor of our dear friend, Ron Braunfeld who is always a source of great insight and joy in our Talmud Classes!

To listen to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: https://linktr.ee/ariwol

Please send your questions, comments and even your stories to awolbe@torchweb.org

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Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Studio B to a live audience on November 10, 2023, in Houston, Texas.
Released as Podcast on November 14, 2023

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