The Almond Tree | Lessons in the Leaves

Peace | The Podcast

Apr 17 2024 • 28 mins

Lessons in the Leaves |

Did you know the Bible begins and ends with people around the Tree of Life? Did you know that both Jesus and Jonah cursed a fig tree? Did you know that Ezekiel uses the word ‘tree’ 31 times?! As the spring starts to warm up and we find ourselves spending more time outside, let’s see what we can learn from the leaves.


This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.

Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.

Additional music is by Three Music.


Peace | United Methodist Community OUR MISSION:

reconciling and growing for everyone


partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things


affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service