Episode 31: The Radio Eclectic - MONKEY SEE, 'SEE' MONKEY SPECIAL

The Radio Eclectic

Jul 10 2023 • 29 mins

Look Out Your Window? Are They Coming?

In the peaceful and scenic town of Broad Brook, CT, everything is about to change! What started out as a cryptic message suddenly turned into an unimaginable attack from creatures once thought to be nothing more than a novelty. Through courage and dedication of one 5th grader and his friends, a battle would take place that would determine the fate of the world... or at least the intersection of Main and Depot.

Join author Matt (Matman) Herring on an all-ages adventure that is ‘based on a true story that never happened!’ This podcast contains music and stories from the Official Soundtrack...

From The Sea by Alice Loves Alien
Aphasia by Livesay
Hey Boy by Amanda Meli
Rest Of My Days by Scott Fish

Any questions - matmancomics@yahoo.com