Architecture for kids podcast with Hannah Peaty Assistant Head Teacher Soho Parish Primary School

Architecture for kids

Nov 18 2023 • 29 mins

I love working with children and being able to contribute to their growth- seeing them develop and flourish as individuals. Their creativity and imagination always inspires and delights. Every day in school is different and full of surprises and a new creative challenge!

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Hosted by Antonio Capelao co-founding director at Architecture for kids CIC, and coproduced with the Built Environment Trust, the Thornton Education Trust, and the Welsh School of Architecture Cardiff University.

These short and to-the-point podcasts hope to improve the interplay between the fields of the built environment and education as we share knowledge between the practitioner, the creative, and the primary school teacher. Exploring how to prepare children and young people for economic, environmental, and societal challenges, and for their professional lives according to today’s needs and those of a sustainable future.