Listener email: How our family values can help us cope in a society of desires

Parenting teenagers untangled. 🏆 Award-winning podcast for parents of teens and tweens.

Jun 5 2024 • 31 mins

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91: Hermes was a Greek god able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, helped by his winged sandals. We mere mortals, on the other hand, are stuck here on Earth, and more likely to associate the word, Hermes with expensive handbags.

When a listener wrote a beautiful email talking about her struggles with a young daughter who has been begging for one of these extremely expensive Hermes bags for her birthday I thought it would be a great topic for discussion.

The problems our listener faces trouble so many of usthe various issues in the hope of supporting the listener and helping others along the way; after all, we're a community here to help each other.


  • Parenting styles
  • Desire for posessions as a way to feel included
  • The  importance of values
  • Celebrating our own culture
  • The impact of society on our desires and choices

Hold on to Your Kids, by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate

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