S02E01 Accelerated Awakening & The Sweet Sucking Sound of Inconvenience

Our Next Existence

Apr 1 2022 • 1 hr 3 mins

Welcome to Season 2! The Chorus begins by describing what could be considered a next phase of Awakening for humans, which is the feeling of an acceleration. Whereas we might have consciously experienced an emotion - say depression - for weeks or months at a time previously, now we may find we fly through it much faster, in a matter of hours or minutes.

At this speed, we may spend more time coming to clarity about these emotions, beliefs and experiences by *feeling* them as opposed to *thinking* about them. Same (or expanded) clarity, new process.

Katie describes a human concept that typically reflects this accelerated and growing understanding: the sensation of inconvenience

Episode Transcript available on our site.

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BOOKS: This podcast corresponds to our books. Season 1 to The Book of Human Awakening (2nd Edition). Season 2 to The Book of Human Remembrance. Each book contains additional, unique content including illustrations. Check them out here.

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