Episode 011 - Screen-Time and its Impact on our Kids

Finding Moments

May 16 2021 • 28 mins

After reading both Reset Your Child's Brain by Victoria L. Dunckley, MD and Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras, Ph.D. we discuss the impact of screen time on our own children as well as the concept and the practicality of a 3 week "reset" as recommended by Dr. Dunckley.   In our discovery, our kids are being stimulated at a rate unlike any other generation.  The gaming industry has put the R&D into keeping our kids hooked on screens.  However, gaming isn't the only industry competing for our kids time.  Can we pull our kids off?  How much time is too much time.  A child's dopamine levels are incredibly high when immersed in an active screen.  Is this over stimulation sacrificing relationships?  Join us as we talk through both books, the over arching concept and perhaps one of the greatest challenges parents have with getting their kids to look up.

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