Very Best of Living

Taylor Hartman

Dr. Taylor Hartman, relationship expert and Psychologist, discusses key insights that he has made over his professional career on what makes successful relationships. His work The Color Code now called the People Code is a powerful agent for positive healthy relationships both personal and professional. read less
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Rekindling Passion: The Power of Human Connection and Navigating the Digital Age
Rekindling Passion: The Power of Human Connection and Navigating the Digital Age
What if we told you that a simple heartfelt message could reignite a passion that had been put on hold? Join Dr. Taylor Hartman and his dear friend Cat Larson as they share the touching story of how a message from George Young inspired their return to the podcast world. Together, they discuss the transformative power of influential relationships and the joy of reconnecting with their cherished listeners. You'll discover why they chose a monthly format and how Dr. Hartman's extensive travels influenced this decision.Ever had a seemingly insignificant encounter turn into a memorable experience? Dr. Hartman and Cat dive into the profound impact of acknowledging the unique qualities of those we meet, from a secondhand store visit to the infectious joy of a granddaughter. They highlight the magic of small, genuine interactions and how they enrich our relationships. The conversation extends to the power of listening, valuing others' stories, and the significance of human connection in our daily lives.In today's tech-driven world, how do we ensure technology serves us without controlling us? Dr. Hartman and Cat explore the effects of technology on our relationships and mental health, advocating for intentional disconnection to foster real connections. They discuss practical strategies like delaying cell phone use for children and limiting cell phone usage in schools. Navigating the digital age, they reflect on the superficiality of social media and the importance of diverse perspectives. Tune in for a teaser on the intriguing concept of "Generation Transition" and artificial intelligence as "artificial intimacy," setting the stage for an upcoming discussion on gender dynamics in relationships.Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
A Momentous Goodbye: Legacy, Lessons, and New Beginnings
Sep 25 2023
A Momentous Goodbye: Legacy, Lessons, and New Beginnings
As your host, I'm about to embark on a poignant journey of transition. It's a heartfelt goodbye from Dr. Taylor Hartman, who leaves us with pearls of wisdom that are both timeless and transformative. Through our conversation, he emphasizes the value of consistency, self-compassion, and living in the present, not just for the pursuit of goals. A key takeaway - we should foster our spiritual connection to God, deriving strength from the realization that we are His children. Remember, happiness is personal; don't feel trapped in someone else's definition of it. And more importantly, you can only control yourself, not others. Change is inevitable, embrace it with grace and adaptability.As we turn the page to a new chapter, we delve into the concept of legacy. It's not about physical possessions, but the imprints we leave on people's hearts and the potential to influence future generations. As Cat Larsen steps into the spotlight, she underscores the value of a legacy that transcends time and generations. We discuss the importance of knowing our purpose and trusting in who we are as we move forward. It's a farewell filled with emotion, a celebration of new beginnings, and a reflective conversation around the transformative power of legacy. Tune in for an episode that promises to touch your heart, inspire change and make you ponder your own legacy.Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
The Impact of Personality Colors on Relationships and Self-Awareness
Aug 28 2023
The Impact of Personality Colors on Relationships and Self-Awareness
Ever wonder how much your personality colors influence your behavior and interpersonal relationships? Brace yourselves for a deep dive into the beautiful palette of the Hartman Personality Profile, guided by yours truly and the brilliant Cat Larsen. We'll be peeling back the layers of the intricate relationship between our core and secondary colors and the surprising ways they shape our everyday interactions and decision-making processes. Join us on this enlightening journey as we share our personal experiences with our own unique color combinations and how this understanding has enhanced our interactions and relationships. We're also blowing the lid off the often overlooked subject of boundaries and entitlement in relationships. By decoding our personality colors, we can tailor the way we manage our relationships and face challenges unique to our color profiles. We delve into the unique struggles blues, reds, and yellows may encounter in building connections and how blues can empower themselves by embracing their truth and learning to trust. We'll also walk you through the ways your secondary color can subtly tint your life experiences.And it doesn't stop there. We're taking a hard look at the unsettling issue of manipulation. We'll arm you with strategies to spot manipulation and build effective boundaries to guard your peace. We'll reveal which colors might be more susceptible to manipulation and how you can identify them. We'll wrap up our discussion on a positive note, emphasizing the central role self-awareness plays in managing our interactions and relationships. Join us in this insightful conversation, and let's color your world with a deeper understanding of yourself and others.Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
Beneath the Surface: A New Look at Personal Responsibility in Therapy
Aug 21 2023
Beneath the Surface: A New Look at Personal Responsibility in Therapy
Ever wondered if your therapist or coach truly understands your dilemma, or are they simply offering superficial solutions? Join us, Dr. Taylor Hartman and Cat Larsen, as we delve into the world of informed decision making in therapy. This episode unravels a real-life situation of a woman struggling with intimacy issues, revealing the dangers of superficial fixes, and the powerful impact of uncovering the underlying truth. We challenge therapists and coaches to be responsible for the advice they give, and stress the importance of not simply treating the symptoms but uncovering the root cause.We shift gears to explore personal ownership and the fear of change that often paralyzes us in relationships. Emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and understanding the consequences of our decisions, we discuss how the desire for more in a relationship can create feelings of unease and obligation. Feeling like ‘the problem’ often stems from a fear of change and a reluctance to take charge. We conclude with a thought-provoking discussion on congruence, and the crucial elements to consider when assessing legitimacy. Tune in for a compelling exploration of therapy, personal responsibility, and the power of informed decision-making.Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
The Art of Positive Partnership: From Catastrophe to Adventure
Aug 14 2023
The Art of Positive Partnership: From Catastrophe to Adventure
Ever wondered how the energy you bring to your relationships can have a transformative impact? As your hosts, Cat and I promise to shed light on this intriguing dynamic, offering insights into how positivity, trust and self-worth are key to fostering a thriving partnership. We unravel the complexities of relationships, exploring how problem-solving can shape memorable adventures from potential catastrophes. Witness how we delve into the heart of what makes a partner desirable, demonstrating the significance of each individual's contribution to a relationship.This conversation takes an exciting turn as we tackle the pivotal role of trust and self-worth. We demonstrate how the energy you contribute to a situation goes beyond your mere presence, leaving an indelible mark on your relationships. The Color Code, a fascinating tool, brings a fresh perspective into our discussion, guiding us through the maze of personal interactions. We don't stop at that; we also consider how adopting an appreciative attitude towards life rather than a bitter one can lead to a wealth of extraordinary experiences. Finally, we get real about the importance of cultivating self-worth outside the confines of a single attribute, revealing how having a trusted confidant can help us build a balanced perspective of our worth. So, join Kat and me, as we embark on this enlightening journey of self-discovery and relationship building.Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
Forging Stronger Bonds through Undivided Attention
Jul 24 2023
Forging Stronger Bonds through Undivided Attention
Ever stopped to appreciate the nuggets of wisdom hidden within your daily life experiences? Join us, Dr. Taylor Hartman and Cat Larsen, as we unlock the beauty of embracing these gems and their profound impact on personal evolution. Let's take a journey into forging lasting relationships, emphasizing the significance of undivided attention and meaningful time spent together. We'll also explore the absolute necessity of disconnecting from our digital distractions to truly connect with each other and life's authentic moments.In the second part of our enlightening conversation, we delve into the realm of self-love and how it intricately links to our ability to love others. Discover the liberation found in forgiveness, the freedom of loving without expectations, and the paradox that as we become more loving, we invite greater challenges yet simultaneously, develop superior skills to handle them. We'll share some thought-provoking insights on the true essence of giving – not just materially but emotionally – and how these acts of love are more about enriching others' lives than our own. Get ready to be inspired as we uncover the power of love in personal growth and the blessings lying within life's lessons.Questions for Reflection:-          Do you set aside time for the people you love the most?-          What are you doing to enrich the lives of those around you? What are you doing to show them love?-          Why am I so unwilling to embrace loving others without judgement when it will only enhance my life?-          To whom am I offering forgiveness instead of trying to punish?Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
Understanding and Navigating Relationships: From Group Dynamics to Love Languages
Jul 17 2023
Understanding and Navigating Relationships: From Group Dynamics to Love Languages
Ever found yourself in an emotionally charged group setting, wondering how to navigate through it smoothly without adding fuel to the fire? Well, you are not alone. I, your host, along with my good friend, Cat Larsen, share our insights acquired from experiences of traveling with a large group, which often mirrors the dynamics of any group setting. We feel it's essential to detect selfishness, forgive, and understand, as these are instrumental in shaping our kids' approach to life and in our journey to become more forgiving towards others.Ever felt that despite your best intentions to help, your efforts seem to miss the mark? It's not just about addressing the symptoms, but understanding the root cause. Cat and I emphasize the power of providing a secure environment for open conversations, which allows individuals to express their feelings. We discuss the importance of repeating what we understand from the conversation, as it helps in providing clarity and making the other person feel heard. It's all about fostering safety, intimacy, and understanding in relationships.No, love is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Cat and I explore the Hartman Color Code's different ways of loving, helping us understand our own behavior and how it might create fear in others. We also discuss how recognizing our actions can help us cultivate healthier relationships. Remember, it's not about being right but about understanding different perspectives. Join us in this enlightening conversation as we delve deeper into the complexities of love, relationships, and self-awareness. Thanks for being part of this journey with us.Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
Creating Stronger Bonds by Embracing Self-Improvement
Jul 10 2023
Creating Stronger Bonds by Embracing Self-Improvement
What if we told you that something as simple as making lunch for your partner can strengthen your relationship? Join me and my good friend Cat Larson as we explore the beauty of marriage and the heartbreak that comes with a long-term commitment, while emphasizing the importance of self-improvement and embracing virtue. Get ready to discover how constant learning and growing can make a massive difference in your life and relationships.We take a deep look at the power of habits and their impact on our lives, and share some insights on how to develop positive habits like truly listening to others. Learn about the Hartman Personality Profile – a powerful tool that helps you better understand your own motives and develop self-awareness. Take this unique opportunity to not only improve your relationships but also your personal growth. So, grab your headphones and let's dive into this insightful conversation with Cat Larson!Exercise:Pick an area of your life that you’d like to improve in. Choose one habit you’d like to work on this week. Be specific in choosing when and how you will incorporate it. At the end of the week, reflect on how the habit impacted you.   Do you ever say, “that’s just the way I am”? This may be a clue that it’s a habit that needs to be examined.Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
Releasing Victim Mindsets for Healthier Relationships and Environments
Jul 3 2023
Releasing Victim Mindsets for Healthier Relationships and Environments
Are you unintentionally playing the victim in your own life? Discover how self-victimization might be affecting your relationships and holding you back from leading a fulfilling life. In this personal and heartfelt episode, we share our appreciation for the beautiful environment we live in and the relationships that enrich our lives, while exploring the challenging concept of self-victimization.Inspired by a heartwarming letter from a listener, we discuss the power of breaking free from the chains of our upbringing and creating a loving environment for our children. However, it's not always easy to recognize when we're playing the role of a victim in our own lives. Join us as we take an honest look at the relationships we have and the role we play in them, and consider the significance of analyzing what we get out of our connections, even those that are challenging for us.As we wrap up our conversation, we take a look at the culture we live in and how it can shape our relationships and our children. We discuss how unsupportive environments can lead to a lack of discipline and how it is important for parents to teach their children to value truth. We extend our gratitude to those who have shared their experiences and stories with us and encourage you to stay connected with us for another thought-provoking discussion next week.Exercise:Look at your life and the things you were taught. What have you done to avoid being a victim?Are there ways in which you are behaving like a victim?Are you placing blame on others instead of looking within?Is someone in your life “owning you”?Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.
Building Mental Endurance in a Complex World
Jun 26 2023
Building Mental Endurance in a Complex World
Do you ever feel like life's transitions can be both beautiful and daunting? Join me and my good friend Cat Larsen on this week's episode of Very Best of Living as we candidly discuss navigating through life's ups and downs, from our grandchildren's graduations to saying goodbye to loved ones or leaving a job. Along the way, we delve into the importance of recognizing and celebrating personal achievements without falling into the comparison trap.Traveling can be an amazing adventure, but it can also bring its share of challenges. Cat and I share some of our most memorable travel experiences, as well as the life lessons we've learned from visiting different cultures and places. We also touch on the importance of being present in the moment and truly engaged when interacting with others, especially when providing emotional support to someone who is a Blue personality type.Finally, we tackle the topic of mental resilience and its crucial role in today's society. From discussing society's false notion that anxiety is a badge of honor to the significance of setting our own standards in life, Cat and I explore how individuals can build mental endurance and cultivate personal growth. Tune in as we reveal how forgiveness plays a pivotal role in mental health, and why we should all feel challenged to improve. You won't want to miss this insightful conversation!Remember to follow the HartmanPersonality IG account. There you can participate in “Ask Taylor Tuesdays.” Take the Personality and Character Profiles at Send questions and comments to Or with “Podcast” in the subject line.