Historical Jesus Research with Dr. Darrell L. Bock (The Historical Jesus: 5 Views)

THE CHARGE with Dennis Metzler

Feb 3 2024 • 43 mins

Dr. Darrell Bock considers the definition, purpose, and history of historical Jesus studies, relationship to apologetics, methods and sources, criteria of authenticity, various contemporary views, and the authority of Scripture. We take a look at seven biblical situations and discuss how they relate to historical Jesus research: Jesus' ministry to the marginalized, the kingdom of God and the promised new age of God, Jesus' messianic claims, the nature of kingdom life, the cleansing of the temple, as well as Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Finally, Dr. Bock offers his thoughts on how historical Jesus research relates to the life and mission of the church.

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Dr. Darrell L. Bock is the author of over 45 books and the Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies and the Executive Director for Cultural Engagement at the Hendricks Center, both at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Check out "The Historical Jesus: Five Views" by IVP Academic 2009. Dr. Bock contributed the 5th view. https://www.amazon.com/Historical-Jesus-Five-Views/dp/0830838686/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3BL4ZRA1JGK9Z&keywords=the+historical+jesus+5+views&qid=1690754010&sprefix=5+views+historic%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1