31. Looking Toward the Dawn

Nature :: Spirit — Kinship in a living world

Mar 6 2022 • 20 mins

The everyday miracle of the sun rising into our sky and powering our Earth can become energy for our hearts and minds too, in the meditative practice of looking toward the dawn. What does it mean to look toward the dawn? It means lifting our eyes, metaphorically, from what’s right at our feet and looking toward new developments coming on the horizon, then aligning our efforts with their life-giving power. How do we tell which developments are truly life-giving? We use some examples cited in the recent IPCC 2022 report on climate change to discern things that are truly new from things that grow out of old or destructive mindsets. Black poet Audre Lorde provides inspiration with her sentence: “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” And because the image of looking toward the dawn arose during a spirit journey, we talk a little about how a spirit journey works and how to integrate the images that arise during a spirit journey into everyday life.

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