Intuition Development with Jane Yigit

Wake Up with Susan

Jan 9 2024 • 46 mins

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EVERYONE can develop their intuition and start allowing their higher self to guide them on their way.  What do you need for that?  TRUST and maybe a little training.  Jane and I talk about the clairs - how spirit speaks to us with clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience (clear hearing) and clairvoyance (clear seeing) .  We talk about the synchronistic magic that life has in store (including our meeting) when you start allowing your higher self to steer the ship.

To find out more about Jane's intuitive development class, check out her Facebook Group page (the class is pinned at the top).  You can also find her on Instagram.

Whether you are called to a class or to explore more on your own, know that your true voice is just waiting on you to listen.
