Episode 21: Fr. Rich Conlin, former NCAA golfer, on how the Eucharist and seeking the Lord are crucial in Recovery

Catholics Fight Porn Podcast

Apr 9 2024 • 51 mins

Fr. Rich Conlin is a great priest from Vancouver, Canada.  He shares his journey from NCAA D1 golfer to a Catholic priest.  He shares with Steve about how his book: 9 Days to Corpus Christi can help an addict in recovery.  His book highlights six saints to help us grow in our love for the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  On the show, we focus on one of the six great saints and how this saint can help us seek the Lord at all times.   Tune in to hear all of this as well as his favorite golf course!

3 FREE copies of the book to the first three people to email: steve@catholicsfightporn.com -- thank you Fr. Rich for your generosity!

Helpful links:
Check out Fr. Rich's great website: https://prodigalcatholic.com/

If you're interested in learning more about joining recovery, book a Complimentary, Confidential Call with Steve: https://www.catholicsfightporn.com/contact

Connect with Steve on Instagram @catholicrecovery

Connect with Fr. Rich on Instagram @frrichconlin

To purchase a copy of 9 Days to Corpus Christi: